EVENT 2024.09.26Applied Chemistry Department Soccer TournamentWe participated in the Applied Chemistry Soccer Tournament h...
AWARD 2024.09.12The Poster Presentation Award at the 73rd JSAC Annual MeetingMatsumura got the Poster Presentation Award at the 73rd annu...
AWARD 2024.06.28The Poster Presentation Award at the 73rd SPSJ Annual MeetingLeung got the Poster Presentation Award at the 73rd Society ...
EVENT 2024.05.31Lecture by Prof. Hiroshi MatsuiWe invited Prof. Hiroshi Matsui (City Univ. of New Work, Hun...
EVENT 2024.05.23The 3rd Uemura-Lab WorkshopWe hosted Dr. Hiroshi Inaba’s lecture on 23rd, May. Lecture ...
AWARD 2024.04.23The Student Lectureship Award at the 104th CSJ Annual MeetingYe Siyuan got the Student Lectureship Award at the 104th CSJ...
NEWS 2024.04.02New members joined in our group!Welcome 10 new members! Uemura Group 2024 has started....