UEMURA group


HOME > 2024年
  • 2024.12.23

    Block Architectures in 2D Polymer Networks Fabricated via Sequential Copolymerization in a Metal–Organic Framework

    Ami Nishijima, Marta Ximenis, Shihui Qiao, Nobuhiko Hosono, Takashi Uemura

    Chem. Eur. J., 2024, e202404169
  • 2024.10.29

    Detecting Single-Point Isomeric Differences in Polymer Chains by MOF Column Chromatography

    Nobuhiko Hosono, Yu Kono, Nagi Mizutani, Daichi Koga, Takashi Uemura

    Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 13690-13693.
  • 2024.10.03

    Double-stranded vinyl polymer with transformable side chains synthesized in a metal‒organic framework

    Yuki Kametani, Masahiro Abe, Tomohito Mori, Takashi Uemura

    Polym. J., 2025, 57, 129-135.
  • 2024.09.03

    Electric-field assisted spatioselective deposition of MIL-101(Cr)PEDOT to enhance electrical conductivity and humidity sensing performance

    Youven Benseghir, Min Ying Tsang, Flora Schöfbeck, Daniel Hetey, Takashi Kitao, Takashi Uemura, Hidetsugu Shiozawa, Michael R. Reithofer, Jia Min Chin

    J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2025, 678, 979-986.